Find a professional agent trusted by your friends, family, and neighbors to guide you.

Give that agent all the information you can about your property, driving record, claims, etc.

Take the highest deductible you can self insure on both your home and automobiles.

Make sure you have guaranteed Replacement Cost coverage on your house if available and Replacement Cost on Contents.

Make sure you have $500,000 of Liability coverage on your Homeowners policy.

Make sure you have Identity Theft coverage on your Homeowners policy.

Make sure you have Combined Single Limits on your Automobile policy of at least $500,000.

Make sure you have $500,000 of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage on Automobile policy.

Make sure you have $100,000 of Additional Personal Injury Protection and $25,000 of Optional Basic Economic Loss on your auto policy.

Purchase a $1,000,000 Personal Umbrella policy.